Friday, February 20, 2009


The winner of the early February contest chose a different book instead of The Promise by Dean Hughes as her prize, so the The Promise is once again available in addition to the three books already listed for the second February contest. (see below) This contest ends February 27th and the winner may choose any one of four books, The Promise, Heroes of Glorieta Pass, Love Beyond Time, or Finding Faith.

This past week has been really busy for me. Two grandsons had birthdays, turning five and six. And at the Jordan River Temple where I serve two days a week, those leaving for the new Draper Temple are almost all gone, leaving those of us who remain readjusting our assignments. It's both exciting to see the new temple getting ready to open and sad to see co-workers leaving. In a few months we'll go through this again as those of us in the new Oquirrh Temple District leave.

My column on Meridian was posted yesterday. Reading those books and writing about them was fun. This year has started out with some really good new books. I'm also involved in reading the Whitney finalists right now. I've read the finalists for most categories, they were great and in some areas it will truly be hard for the judges to choose between several excellent choices, but I am now trying to get the YA and speculative finalist books read that are by LDS authors, but aren't really LDS novels. So far a few have been okay, one was great, and the others all I can say is if they fail to get my attention by the fifth chapter, may I stop reading?


Jen plus 6 said...

Did you want an answer to that question?

If so, then YES! You may stop reading after the fifth chapter... for I think that if reading is forced it is not fun ;^)

Jennie said...

Jennifer, if I were reading for pleasure I'd stop long before the fifth chapter if the book never caught fire for me. I'm a firm believer in good first chapters, but these are Whitney finalists and evidently have some appeal to some people. It's just that in this category I have a hard time figuring out what that appeal is. Other categories are superb.

Cheri J. Crane said...

That birthday cake is so cute! I'll bet your grandson loved it. =)

Danyelle Ferguson said...

I'm an avid reader. When I'm not writing and in a book devouring mood, I can easily go through ten to twelve books in a week. With all this reading, I've finally gotten to the point that if I'm not into the characters or story by chapter five, I just put it down and move on. So I say go for it! (Unless you're an actual judge - then I'm sorry, you'll just have to trudge through it.) Happy reading!

Tristi Pinkston said...

There are definitely some books that are a little hard to get into, but I've found that if I can't get into it by chapter five, I'm probably not going to at all. And I know what you mean about that category ... I'm more geared to the other categories, myself.