Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring? Or just another maybe?

The past two days have been a taste of spring and left me with little time for blogging. There were flower beds to trim and rake, hyacinths to smile over, daffodils to count (I planted new bulbs last year), lilac bushes to check for buds, and flowers-turned -weeds to thin. There was also a five-year-old grandson who needed someone to play trucks in the dirt with him. I'm sure you can see why I haven't been blogging.

A call from a son-in-law who is longhaul trucking was a reminder that Spring isn't fully here just yet. He's been driving through a snowstorm all day. I hope the past few days of beautiful weather here in Utah will move east and give him sunny skies to return by.

Spring doesn't really begin, I'm persuaded, until after conference. We got at least four inches of snow Saturday morning, which made it nice to snuggle down in my recliner to watch and listen to the speakers. This conference touched me deeply. President Uchtdorf always impresses me. I love listening to President Monson and Elder Holland's message touched me particularly. I found the admonitions to help each other through trying times, the imprortance of being prepared, not becoming discouraged because times may be hard, keeping our faith strong, and the counsel to attend the temple timely and important messages.

So many times when I've listened to conference and have mentioned some message I received and found important, the person I'm talking with has looked a little blank and gone on to remark on something else entirely he or she gained from listening to the same speakers. So as a follow-up contest question, I'm asking, What message did you get from conference or what impressed you most? (Remember you can enter more than one comment and you can comment whether you wish to win a book or not.)


Stephanie Humphreys said...

I also thought Elder Holland gave an amazing talk. One of the things that struck me the most was when the choir sang, "We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet" at the end of the Sunday morning session. That was so powerful. I loved it!

Unknown said...

I loved the messages of peace and hope, that made me glad that my grandchildren get to grow up in these time where there are so many opportunities. Before I was always just a little nervous for them. But even though times may be hard we can find peace in the gospel and we will be OK.

Haiku Amy said...

Well, I didn't take very good notes, so I can't remember exactly who gave which talk, but I liked some of the talks on temples. I liked the one who said, "Only the home can compare to the temple in sacredness." And the advice to replace some of our leisure activities with temple attendance. I also liked Elder Hales talk. Did someone give a talk on sacrifice? I guess it's a good thing they put the talks in the Ensign.

Taffy said...

I loved President Monson's quote about how peace is as bright as your faith.
Also, what hit me (obviously I need it!) self mastery is the root of self respect.