Monday, April 9, 2012

Blogging and Priorities

 Excuse time again!My blogging has been a bit nonexistent the past week.I've been kind of busy. First there was Ladies Night at Deseret Book and Conference.) Thanks to all of you who came to see me at the book signing.)Then my allergies led to a sore throat and ear ache. I had some getting ready for Easter and Easter which took some time, but it was so fun to have all of my kids and grandkids here for supper and an egg hunt for the little ones.Best of all was the news that my son and daughter-in-law who have been wanting a baby for fifteen years are finally expecting and if that isn't enough surprise, the baby is due in three months! I'm afraid blogging slid down a few points on my priority scale.  

 Speaking of priorities, I'm a firm believer in setting priorities in our lives. For me family, Church, and country rank right up at the top.  But each day is filled with priorities.  On arising most of us have a rough list of things to get done that day.  Some people prepare a written "to do" list. Others of us have a list in our heads, and some of us muddle through each day flitting from crisis to crisis.  All of us do a bit of shifting our priorities to deal with emergencies.

Some years ago a very wise lady taught me something about setting priorities when my "to do" list begins to feel insurmountable.  She said I should look at each task in my life and ask four questions 1) Is it my responsibility?  2) Can it be done by someone else?  3) Is it important to me or to someone I care about? 4) Does it have to be done right now?  It's funny how those four simple questions can put my "to do" list in perspective. 

Right now I have two big items on my calendar that are consuming a great deal of time. I'm a delegate to the County Convention this Saturday and I'm teaching a Women's Conference class In the Kearns West Stake the following Saturday. However I consider them both very important.  That means I won't be reading as many books in the coming two weeks as I usually do, I won't be on face book much, I'll shift some tasks to my husband who is a good sport when it comes to helping me accomplish difficult or time consuming projects, and my house won't get the cleaning attention it would otherwise. Some things such as my two days serving at the temple, being on call if necessary to pick up a grandchild who suddenly becomes ill or tend my one-year-old granddaughter as needed, and take care of my weekly Meridian column can't be set aside. Blogs may be few and far between for awhile (I'll entertain the possibility of a guest blog if anyone wishes to volunteer). 

Right now the leftovers from Easter dinner are my priority.  Talk to you later.


Janice Sperry said...

You have the most adorable grandchildren ever.

Elizabeth said...

Love the pictures! Glad that things are going well.

Austin Stevenson Owens said...

*squeal* Baby Jen!!!

Jennie said...

I think my older granddaughters were more interested in helping Jen find eggs than looking for any for themselves!