Monday, February 20, 2012

Under Construction

If any of you wander over to my web page, you'll find it's under construction.  My web master determined that to improve it, she needed to strip it back to the basics and start all over on the core frame. The important thing is you can read the first chapter of Heirs of Southbridge there.  Just click on either my picture or the cover of my new book on the sidebar and you'll get my web page.  There's a link on that page to the first chapter of the Heirs of Southbridge.  It's available for advance orders too at most stores that sell LDS books.

Today is one of those holidays that doesn't get much attention.  It's a day to honor past presidents of the United States.  Kids don't even get out of school in most school districts for this day.  I'll be the first to admit there are some presidents that don't deserve much honor sent their way, but most did their best, and some were exceptional men and leaders.  We should, at the very least, fly a flag.

In a time when most people don't have much confidence in our present president and the GOP is waffling around to find an acceptable alternative, maybe it isn't the candidates we should be looking at, but ourselves. We live in a day when polls carry far too much weight and too many people leave it up to the media to decide who to vote for.  We'd rather be entertained than try to grasp an understanding of serious issues. Both major parties have been hi-jacked by extremists and the average citizen places more weight on watching mindless reality shows than shuffling off to a caucus. I'm not sure our American electorate should rank any higher than Congress with its miserable 10% approval rating. Perhaps instead of drifting along with the loudest viewpoints we should give some thought to what this country really means to us and what we need to do to keep it growing and becoming better.
Possibly we need to strip a lot of fluff away, rediscover the basic consitutional frame, and build something more attractive on it.

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