Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Winding down day

I made it, but just barely. The additional 4000 words are wiped out and my editor at Meridian acknowledged receipt of my column. You'd think I could lay around and rest today, but it's been one of those catch-up days; three loads of laundry, clean the bathrooms, make reservations for our trip to DC next month, turn zuchinni into bread and cake, and I even spent an hour weeding and dead-heading my garden.
My poor garden has been dreadfully neglected this summer while I've been busy getting The Ruby ready for publication. As I've mentioned before I love gardens, both vegie and flowers. This year the two sort of got combined. My four-year-old grandson is going to have to leave his pumpkin plant behind when his daddy leaves the Army next month so he asked Grandma to plant one for him here. This is the pumpkin plant I planted for him. It looks good now, but between snails and squash bugs it's anyone's guess whether it'll survive until Halloween. I've always wanted a red hibiscus. A friend gave one of my daughters a red one and a white one but didn't tell her which was which. She offered to share and we were hoping she'd get the white and I'd get the red. You guessed it, the one she gave me is white, but I like it anyway.

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